Greenhouse and vegetable garden

I started sowing this year in the greenhouse at the end of march, about 200 corn seeds, some tomatoes, zucchine, pumpkins and cucumbers. Cucumbers evidently did not find the right conditions to sprout until last week along with peppers and watermelons. These photos were taken april 14th before transplanting:

These were taken may 15th after around two weeks from transplanting, weather has been unusually cold and the little ones are not having an easy time. Zucchine as often happens here were almost completely devoured by slugs as well as pumpkins. I transplanted at least 20 to 30 tomato plants, they grew quite well and healthy while in the greenhouse, now older leaves are turning yellow and the plants are slowly adapting, new leaves greener and healthier.

As you can see I use hay as mulch, keeps humidity, naturally fertilizes the soil with organic matter, creates a more protected environment for seedlings and helps me in keeping some kind of order.

I follow Maria Thun’s biodynamic calendar, after a few times of observing salad that was sowed on flower days go quickly into flowering stage. It works wonderfully for me. The pictures above were taken may 15th, they are the seedlings currently growing in the greenhouse, as I said cucumbers finally sprouted, peppers, eggplants, basil, watermelon & jalapeño.

Whiteflies were getting the better and I’ve been more careful to keep moisture and sprayed some diluted neem oil on leaves, they have diminished.

  • Resources
  • La civilta’ dell’orto, Giancarlo Capello
  • Il mio orto biologico, Enrico Accorsi e Francesco Beldi

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